Friday, May 29, 2009

Goal statement

Every project should have a clear and concise 'goal statement', setting out the high-level objectives of the project in no more than 30 words. The goal statement should be written during the project analysis and planning stage, with input from as many stakeholders as is practical, and forms part of the Project Initiation Document. The goal statement should answer the following questions:

  • Who is going to do the project?
  • What are they going to do?
  • Why are they going to do it?
  • Where are they going to do it?
  • When are they going to do it?

One question that should not be answered in the goal statement is: How are they going to do it?

The best way to go about formulating a goal statement is as follows: (a) get the key stakeholders together to brainstorm; (b) come up with a goal statement that includes everyone's priorities for the project; (c) make them cut it down to 30 words. In short, the process of formulating a goal statement is at least as valuable as the finished goal statement itself, being a vital opportunity for team-building.

The goal statement is the 'vision' for the project.

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